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Spicy « asia » prawns, avocado & grapefruit

Recipe spicy « asia » prawns, avocado & grapefruit

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Ingredients for 4 people

2 pink grapefruits
2 ripe avocados
Twenty raw king prawns
1 half bunch of fresh coriander or parsley
1 lemon
A piece of fresh ginger
1 clove of garlic
A pinch of Espelette pepper
Olive oil

Peel the grapefruits and remove the skins. Shell the prawns, remove the heads and clean them well under water. Roughly chop the coriander or parsley leaves.
Peel and slice the avocados. Put them in a bowl, pour a little lemon juice over, salt and mix gently.

Fry the prawns in olive oil over medium heat on both sides. When they are nicely colored, grate some lemon zest, ginger and garlic over them, add the Espelette pepper and cook for one more minute wile continually stirring. The garlic and ginger should NOT become brown!

Place the avocado slices and grapefruit in the center of each plate and arrange the prawns on top. Add some of the cooking juice from the pan with the garlic and ginger.
Whisk the remaining lemon juice with three tablespoons of olive oil and pour over the prawns, avocados and grapefruits. Add the coriander or parsley chops.

Serve with a slice of freshly toasted sesame bread and a Vermentino-based Mediterranean white wine, very round, fragrant and crisp.

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