Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Pigeon breast with grapes and balsamic sauce, bulgur and fresh spinach

In order to celebrate autumn at the dinner table, we propose this time a tasty game recipe.

For 4 people, you need:
4 Wild pigeons (or 8 pieces pigeon breast)

200 g red grapes
200 g Bulgur
200 g baby spinach leaves
500 ml poultry stock (homemade or from the deli)
1 onion
4 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
Creme fraiche

For the sauce
After you have removed the breasts, use the bones to cook you poultry stock (watch a video here). After you have finished the stock, pour it through a sieve, add the halved grapes and the chopped onion. Approximately let reduce by half and set aside.

For the meat
In a pan, fry the pigeon breasts first on the skin, then on the other side in olive oil (2 minutes on each side). Cover with aluminium foil and keep warm in the oven at 100 ° C.

For the bulgur
Bring 4 glasses of water to boil, add two glasses of bulgur and cook, stirring constantly. Add a good knob of butter, salt and keep warm.

For the spinach
Stir-fry the fresh, washed and drained leaves in a pan with hot olive oil in a few minutes. They should remain crisp! Salt and pepper, serve immediately.

To serve
While you stir-fry the spinach, bring the sauce back to a simmer and add just before serving a good spoonful of crème fraiche. Season with salt and pepper. Leave the sauce to simmer easily while you prepare the dishes.

Now put two pigeon breasts, some Bulgur and spinach on each plate. Pour the sauce and some grapes over the meat and the bulgur. Embellish your meal with a ripe Cotes du Rhone wine, for example a Rasteau or Vacqueyras from the 2009 vintage.

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