Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

One swallow does not make a summer, but a bottle of Rosé may do the job...

Days are getting longer, birds and flowers return to our gardens, the trees are getting green again, the thick winter jacket remains on the hanger and on Sunday your nose may detect some smoke from a BBQ. No doubt, spring is here! It’s time to let powerful red wines in the cellar till next autumn and search for something light.

This popular wine is just fine for an improvised aperitif on a terrace, on a balcony or even on a windowsill. Together with a few slices of raw ham, some olives and good laughter, it will perfectly do the job. Light or dark in color, we don’t care (color has no taste!), with strawberry or raspberry flavors, fennel and citrus fruit and with nice acidity and much juiciness!

Are you not a rosé drinker? No reason to be excluded from having some good time, because there is a solution for everything.

SOLUTION N°1: Liberate a nicely chilled white wine from its bottle and enjoy the fine fruity flavors and the fresh taste in your glass. It certainly matches perfectly to a creamy, homemade humus.

SOLUTION N°2: At lunchtime, while the charcoal under grill does its job, pull the cork of a light red wine. But be careful, light does not mean without any interest! The red wines of which I speak, offer particularly pleasant acidity, cherries or currants, sometimes some herbal flavours, like mint or rosemary, together with crispy, fresh tannins.

Last but not least, I’ll offer you my SOLUTION N°3: My taste for champagne and other sparkling wines is not a secret any more on this blog. And you can have them in pink too, if you want them to match with the season and this article. However, do not forget: A great advantage of Champagne & Co. is the fact that there is no real season for them. With or without a special occasion, champagne is always fine!

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