Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

On the continuous evolution of a winery...

Dear friends,

Due to various factors a winery constantly evolves: the vines in the vineyards age and gain in maturity, encounters with people and peers, as well as the arrival of the new generation enriches our knowledge and may change the view we carry on our own work and wines. One reflects, reacts and adapts to the changing needs of the vines and the wines, as well as to newly created wishes and ideas. The Domaine Santa Duc doesn’t make an exception.

It is therefore a fact that it was quite well the demand of our vineyards, which has slowly led us to an ecological agriculture. Just as the character and the balance of our wines asked to be held back in the cellar and let them evolve in a natural way. That is why our wines mature in large wooden tanks instead of barriques for many years already, while terracotta and clay jars claim more and more space in the cellar.

The vision of our own vineyards fundamentally changed over the last few years. Not least because of the re-discovery of Burgundy. Burgundy has recognized the value of its terroirs like hardly any other wine-growing region and placed it in the foreground. A fascinating philosophy, which I share with my son Benjamin, who has recently re-joined me at Santa Duc. Each terroir is a unit of natural occurrence. A unit with a very personal character. Through analysis of the particularities of each of our vineyards, we have added four single vineyard wines to our range: Les Hautes Garrigues and Clos Derrière Vieille from Gigondas, Les Saintes Vierges and La Crau Ouest from Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Another single vineyard wine from the latter appellation currently ripens in the cellar and may join this selection.

While these wines highlight the individuality of certain locations and terroirs, the cuvées Habemus Papam and Aux Lieux-Dits honouring the tradition of great Rhône wines, which come to full expression by combining different grape varieties and terroirs.

With best regards from Gigondas,
Yves and Benjamin Gras

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