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Marinated Munster - A real challenge for cheese lovers! #Recipe

A very tasty dish, though not very low in calories. But nevertheless fits very well for summer! Very easy to prepare (the day before) and definitely loved by all cheese fans. 100% success guaranteed!

Recette Munster mariné

Ingredients for 4 persons
1 not too ripe Munster cheese
250 ml crème fraîche
1 glass Mirabelle brandy or schnapps
1 bunch of chives
Salt pepper
1 kg waxy potato (Amandine, Roseval, rat ...)
300 g raw ham

Chop the chives and mix them with the crème fraîche and the brandy. Add salt and pepper. Choose a terrine with cover, big enough to make the Munster cheese fit in completely. Cover the bottom with crème fraîche, cut the cheese into eight equal parts and depose it on the cream. Pour in the rest of the crème fraîche and completely cover the cheese. Cover and leave in a cool place for 24 hours (preferably in the garage or the basement, otherwise in the fridge). The cheese is undergoing rapid maturation and will become soft and creamy. Bring it back to kitchen a few hours before, at the cheese will be best at roomtemperature.

Place the ham on a plate or dish, boil the potatoes and serve all with the Munster and a crispy white wine. For the “deluxe version” of this cheese-sin, you should open a bottle of Champagne Extra Brut or Brut Nature.

Bon Appetit!

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