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Le Cèdre Cahors - First impressions of the 2011 vintage

The weather

After proliferous rainfall in March and April, the Weather was predominantly dry in May and June. Flourishing (one of the most important periods during the year of the vigneron) passed under a brilliantly blue sky in June, without meteorological perturbances. This period was followed by a rather fresh climate and scattered showers in July, and a real summer August you may dream of.

Château du Cèdre - Grands vins de Cahors

The vines

They did not suffer, neither from the rainfalls at springtime, nor from drought in summer. Being in advance of the normal rhythm of vegetational growth, the plants took advantage as well from the well fed deeper groundwater, as from abundant sunshine, with the result of a fine green foliage. Even at the end of August, the grapes were still surrounded by dark green leaves.


Harvest started on august 31st with our Viognier. The grapes were perfectly healthy and very tasty. The yield amounted to about 30 hl/ha, with a total alcohol of 13%vol and a fresh, crispy acidity. Thus, we expect a perfect balance for this white wine. The first Malbecs were harvested on September 12th under a clear blue sky. A premature year, characterized by uniform ripeness in all our vineyards. The last grapes arrived in the cellar on September 22nd, to remain on skins for several weeks, followed by ripening in barrels during months.

Thus, you may take patience before you will be able to taste this promising year. Fortunately, we still have wines from 2008 and the following years available, to make the time of waiting appear short...

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