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In Winter I like to drink Rasteau

Every year, when the cold reaches France, I take a plunge into my cellar to look for wines from Rasteau. Mostly I am looking for the Rasteau from Yves Gras, a wine I really like, but obviously there are other interesting wines from this appellation. But don’t take me wrong, I never said you should drink Rasteau only in winter! It’s just the cold that makes me think of it.

Rasteau Domaine Santa Duc

After having opened the bottle, I smell plums, fresh earth and hints of venison. On the palate it’s surprisingly fresh, with young tannins (it’s a 2009) and a long final. The wine is cold, so I leave it for half an hour to warm up and let it breathe.

When I get back to the wine, it’s much more on the fruit, and the tannins are wrapped in mellowness. The crispy acidity stays, from the beginning until the end, paired with a spicy smell of white pepper. Now it’s time to eat! The wine gets hungry. I put a whole salmon in the oven, marinated with black olives and spices, together with roughly chopped squash, oregano, coriander and garlic… Delicious!
Later in the evening, the
wine has gained power and fullness, especially on the finish. I like this, because this one of the reasons why I love to drink Rasteau. Its bouquet is full of sunshine, olives, rosemary and lemon peel.

A glass of summer in the middle of winter.

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