Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest - Les Mal Aimés of Pierre Cros

Ripe cherries, in colour and in the nose, but also red currant, elderberry and lemon peel. A pleasant mouth feel, almost comfortable, with aromas of stone fruit, black olives and fresh rosemary. Some smooth tannins escort its crispy acidity and give the wine a good balance.

I have met this wine first on its 1999 vintage. Made from the almost forbidden fruits of some very old vines of the Minervois (planted between 1910 and 1930), – Carignan, Alicante, Aramon and Picpoul noir – my palate, used and (de)formed by the taste and aromas of more international grape varieties, was quite confused after the first sip

“Was this the genuine taste of southern French wines ?”

I’ve never missed a vintage of the Mal Aimés, ever since. I love to taste it in summer or spring, slightly chilled. But I still remember a rainy November lunch, when I served this wine from a decanter on beef and fresh boletus. The food brought out aromas of white pepper, and gave fullness and generosity to the wine.

I really recommend this wine, as it stays a surprise for your taste buds, beyond well-known flavours of standardised wines

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