Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Découverte en Vallée du Rhône: the biggest and most superb #wine fair for wines from the #Rhone in the world! #DVR

“Created in March 2001 by Inter Rhône, “Découvertes enVallée du Rhône” 2013 is the 7th edition of this trade and original wine fair. It will take place in the terroir of the Rhône Valley and in our regional historical heritage.”

Spread over four days, four prestigious sites will welcome you at the heart of the Rhône Valley.

(from the website of Inter Rhône)

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Champagne J.Vignier

Le Clos l’Abbé

Château du Cèdre

Parler vin avec les mains

Santa Duc

Champagne Paul Lebrun

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